realised that we hadn't been celebrating his special day for quite some time now.
So "Charm", right? So, I took the initiative to organise a party for him!
I then tried to gather as many friends as possible by posting a message on Facebook.
Well, it turned out to be quite inefficient as there were only 2 people who responded, sadly.
They were Choy and Le Sze, who are obviously FB's big fans or as I would call them "people who have too much time to spare." :b
I waited and waited. No new replies. So, I texted the others on Friday, which apparently
was too late for them to cancel their initial plans.
Thus, only four of us turned up.
It's embarassing for me to say that I was late that day due to overnapping. *pai seh*
When I got there, the 3 of them were in the mid of finishing their main courses.
Well, it was TGI Saturday's for us that day as we celebrated our buddy's BIG day
last Saturday @ Pavilion KL. *yay*
Since age is not so important for guys, I can say that he's now 27! So old dy...Haha.

(Top: Left - Right KK, Me, Le Sze)

Yum comes the best part of the meal!
Mini desserts:
Introducing Mocha Latte & Oreo (below)!

Yes, that's my bulky wallet I'm holding.
You know what it means, "Waiter, Bill please."

My bro (Below: Right: Wai Yen)
Wonderin' why they look so busy?
Look again...Something is keeping 'em occupied - it's always 'bout the $$! *che ching*
(Gee, can you see what they're using to calculate such small amount of $$? tsk tsk..) :b

KK was asked to make a wish
When he stepped into TGI, he didn't know what awaited him...a BIG surprise!
The surprise came when we were about to leave...and he was caught by surprise.
"KK's in the house!" a staff shouted loudly.
The b'day boy was asked to stand on a chair, with his shoes on, so that the limelight
would be on him.
A staff then passed a bottle of ketchup to act as a mike.
KK was asked to sing a song for us...
but he gave a short speech instead!
"What!?" I said to myself.
"KK, sing, you're asked to sing a song!" I cheered.
He was stoned.
"...I don't know how to sing."
The magic sentence had let him escaped from singing a song for us...huhuhu...*no fair*
Then, we sang "Happy B'day to you..." in English version.
"In Chinese! Ju ni sen je kuai le..." we all sang.
He blew off the candle, ate the ice cream cake and we left.
(Images courtesy of KK)
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