We're all aware. Crime rates have shot up, drastically.
We've heard stories from our friends, families and at coffee shops.
We read them in the papers, everyday.
They hide in all corners, preying on vulnerable victims, regardless of their age.
My Classmate @ University
Few years ago, a friend from the university I was studying was knocked out near her house.
She was only carrying a bag, full of notes and books, and was on her way to her house, just a few steps more, when a motorcyclist smashed her head with a helmet, left her bleeding and helpless.
They sped off with her bag.
She had stitches on her head and couldn't come to school after that. She was traumatised and her brain was affected by the impact.
That was a few years ago.
Today, robbery is epidemic.
Thanks to the economic slowdown, the increase in the number of immigrants (both legal and illegal) and unemployment rate, robbery is a common occurence.
We've accepted it. We've become more vigilant. We've tightened security at home.
Unfortunately, our efforts are still insufficient.
An elderly woman taking a walk
I've heard of another story, which you may find it amusing.
An elderly woman was taking a slow walk at around 6 sth am, when a man approached her.
He demanded her to hand all her money over to him. Since she was just taking a walk, she had no money with her.
Infuriated, the robber gave her two hard slaps on the face and told her to bring money the next time she wanted to take a walk.
How cruel!
Robbers have their own modus operandi. Some mark their targets first. Some choose by random (easy target), while some are high on drugs.
Mum's handbag got snatched
This is fresh from the oven. We were in Ipoh last Saturday, driving an MPV with a KL car plate (be warned, robbers in other states may aim for KL cars).
It happened when we've just reached the house (in Taman Bercham) we were staying for the night after a heavy, happy meal at a food court nearby.
The street was dimly lit and the Taman was a quiet neighbourhood.
I was waiting for my brothers to get down from the car, when suddenly two robbers on a motorcycle snatched Mum's handbag from her tight clasp.
Before Dad could even start the engine, they were already out of sight.
Dad then smsed friendfinder to get the location of the robbers.
Once he received the info, they headed out, leaving the 3 of us at home.
I was caught with surprise when I received a call from Mum's number a few minutes after they'd left. I had to clear my head, twice, to realise it was the robbers calling.
He demanded for Mum's ATM pin number in exchange for the handbag (together with other items in it).
I was furious. I asked him, "Di mana kamu?"
He replied, "Di sini lah! Sini!"
He demanded for the pin again and I said, "Berani kamu!" in the harshest tone. I then hung up.
They couldn't be reached again.
That was the end of the life of Mum's ATM cards, credit cards, house key, ICs, handphone, a lot of cash and foreign currencies and several other important documents.
And, she wasn't even at a non-vigilant state at the time of the robbery. She was clasping her handbag tightly with her two hands! Yet, they managed to grab it from her, easily.
Anyways, we're all relieved she didn't fall down and injure herself. She walked away without a single scratch.
So, my advice to you is not to be vigilant, but be extra, extra vigilant. Just let them snatch your belongings, not your life!
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