Scenic World, Blue Mountains
Walk on Air
Never mind Echo Point, that place's no fun.
But, undoubtedly an ideal point to snap photos of The 3 Sisters in close range.
Oh, have I mentioned that Blue Mountains is in the World Heritage list?
Yes, you bet it is!
You'll know why when you get there.
But now...
Welcome to Scenic World Blue Mountains, where a whole new experience awaits...
Yeah, I know, it does feel like I'm writing for a Scenic World advertisement.
But, it's the truth!
I had a jolly good time there and I'll tell you why.
Before that, let me feed you with some infos.
There are 3 rides you can take to explore Blue Mountains.
1. Scenic Skyway
2. Scenic Cableway
3. Scenic Railway
Another way of exploring the ancient rainforest at Blue Mountains is by walking.
#1 Float on Air
You've experienced this before, on cable cars, perhaps.
Or bungee-jumping. Or parachuting.
The sight of Katoomba Falls will leave you breathless.
If you're worried about your safety, don't have to.
It's a slow and relaxing ride.
Even my fiance who has fear of heights (aka Acrophobia) had no problem throughout the ride!
One Skyway car can accomodate more than 20 passengers.
Highlight of the ride
I find this feature Awesome.
Black men would say, 'Dang!'.
Here's why:
Electro-Sceniglass floor
You can see everything that's below your feet from 270m above, through the see-through glass floor.
With this feature, you now literally have a 360 degree view!
If you have acrophobia, it's not advisable to look down for too long.
Pic: Looking downward to see the rainforest and Katoomba Falls, through the glass floor
Admission Prices:
$ 16 (return), $ 9 (1 way)
Child (4-13)
$ 8 (return), $5 (1 way)
Family Pass (2 Adults & Kids below 13)
$ 40 (return), $25 (1 way)
(Note: All texts and photos are copyright reserved - Z)
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